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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

| | | I love Sue Fox | | |

I found this in the trunk of somebody's car. I was hanging out with an old friend named Dave and his friends. Dave was in town visiting. I'd never met the other poeple. It was the night of one of the first big blizzards of 05. They picked me up. Four blocks from my house we got a flat. The five of us got out of the car. It took five of us to fix it (well, it took one of me, one of Dave, and the other three kinda watched).

Anyway, I found this pin in the trunk while we were getting out the spare.

After a couple days one of them told me that Sue Fox is some art student from the SAIC whose project was to make herself famous through the self-promotion of the phrase "I love Sue Fox."

I never heard of her. Well, of course now I have. But I got the impression that the project was old. Anyway, I liked the pin and now wear it. People ask me, "Who's Sue Fox?"

And I say, "I dunno."

Brian posted at 5:56 PM.