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Monday, December 20, 2004

| | | An example of 'Phi' in nature | | |

Some may recall my reading a book called The Golden Ratio. The book was about the number 'Phi,' (pronounced "fee") which is this crazy non-repeating fractional number that has all sorts of weird and various appearances in the natural world.
At my store, we got a pointsettia plant for the holidays from the woman who owns the lab we work with and when it's leaves fall from its stem, they dry up and curl into this shape, which is known as the "Golden Spiral." There's some mathematical way to describe it - something to do with the proportion of each smaller portion being equal to the larger one minus some important number or something. Anyway, the shape is the same as that of a chambered nautilus, where mollusks make their homes.
I once had a dream that I was inside a room that was built inside a giant nautilus. It was very cool. Well, I guess it was less of a dream and more of a...trip. I wasn't on acid, but I wasn't exactly sober either, I'll say. And I was awake, but almost asleep. There were lots of steamer trunks around the room, stacked in piles. There was a window letting in a golden light too. Very beautiful dream.

Brian posted at 4:56 PM.