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Monday, December 20, 2004

| | | An example of 'Phi' in nature | | |

Some may recall my reading a book called The Golden Ratio. The book was about the number 'Phi,' (pronounced "fee") which is this crazy non-repeating fractional number that has all sorts of weird and various appearances in the natural world.
At my store, we got a pointsettia plant for the holidays from the woman who owns the lab we work with and when it's leaves fall from its stem, they dry up and curl into this shape, which is known as the "Golden Spiral." There's some mathematical way to describe it - something to do with the proportion of each smaller portion being equal to the larger one minus some important number or something. Anyway, the shape is the same as that of a chambered nautilus, where mollusks make their homes.
I once had a dream that I was inside a room that was built inside a giant nautilus. It was very cool. Well, I guess it was less of a dream and more of a...trip. I wasn't on acid, but I wasn't exactly sober either, I'll say. And I was awake, but almost asleep. There were lots of steamer trunks around the room, stacked in piles. There was a window letting in a golden light too. Very beautiful dream.

Brian posted at 4:56 PM.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

| | | Sex Pigs | | |

These guys are from the archive. I took this pic a while back at a theatre space I was showing where they were also exhibiting art. I don't know if it was intended as art or just as fun interactive stuff to do, but they'd put out Play-Doh for patrons to play with and apparently some budding sculptor created this wonderfully lewd, tongue-in-cheeky scene.

Brian posted at 2:14 PM.

Monday, December 13, 2004

| | | Shower Monster | | |

Beware the shower monster. It is green and it has one giant eye and it watches you while you do your bathroom things.

It hangs near your shower and has a tough green terry-cloth hide and a little thing that hangs from its neck like a turkey's waddle. This particulare shower monster is named "Steve." He's friendly, but moody. Sometimes Steve throws Corn Nuts at me when I shower and it's very rude.

Brian posted at 2:42 PM.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

| | | Metal Squiggle | | |

I've no idea where I found the metal squiggle. It may have been here at d/vision optical, during the initial construction...yeah that's probably it. I definitely don't know from whence it came. Meaning, what operation or manipulation of metal caused this specific squiggle of continuous metal shaving. I love the shape, though. I don't know what it reminds me of. Perhaps the squiggle on Hostess Cupcakes. The same squiggle that my mentally/physically abusive brother once convinced me was, "rabbit for 'delicious.'" Jerk.
Anyway, it's a cool shape and vaguely also reminscent of universes somehow. Yeah, universes are cool.

Brian posted at 6:39 PM.

Friday, December 03, 2004

| | | Glow in the DarkStar | | |

DarkStar was this b-level super heroine from Russia in the Marvel Comic universe. She not-too-long-ago bit the big one in a semi-gruesome and, some say, gratuitous way. I remember reading on a chat board how "irresponsible" and "cruel" it was to kill her with such an utter lack of respect. This is just a little anecdote to familiarize yourself with how idiotic some comic book nerds can be. Comic book characters are NOT people, they are tools in what's called a story. If the story is entertaining, then you can kill anyone you want. Just like you can bring back anyone you want. South Park kills Kenny every week.

Anywhoo, I found this glow in the dark star in, of all places, my bathroom (the picture is also taken in my bathroom, on the sea foam green tile that covers much of the room). I've been living in my new apartment for about two months now and it took me until two days ago to find it by turning off the light and staying inside the bathroom AND having to glance near the garbage can.

My landlady did a horrible job in cleaning my apartment prior to my moving in(and by horrible, I mean, "didn't clean"), so I suppose it's not surprising that I'm finding weird things around.

I just wanted to see what the picture would be like if I took it with the flash off on my camera. Not bad, if you ask me.

OK, there was a LITTLE photoshopping. But it still looks cool.

Perhaps one day I'll figure out a use for the glow in the dark star for an art idea is formulating as I type....

Brian posted at 1:15 PM.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

| | | I thought it was Fluff - And I love Fluff! | | |

I was walking along Wicker Park, on Damen, when I saw this container on the ground. The label coloring, the whiteness of the contents inside...I thought for sure it must be that tasty marshmallow treat, Fluff. Excitedly, I used my foot to roll it over and to my chagrin and dismay it was merely ruffles ranch chip dip. Oh, cruel universe, tantalizing me with the wonder of fluff and giving me the boring (albeit tasty in its own right), de rigeur event of ranch chip dip.

Brian posted at 6:48 PM.