Friday, November 26, 2004
| | | OK OK | | |
I took this picture Thanksgiving morning on the Blue Line Chicago stop. There were actually two escalator steps in a row that said "OK," which was I liked so much, but I'd already waited once for the stairs to cycle through and felt a little conspicuous - and I was in a little hurry. I definitely need to get over that whole conspicuousness thing, though. Was Diane Arbus worried about looking silly? Well, probably, and I probably shouldn't even invoke her name, as I'm no Diane Arbus. I don't even have a vagina, for starters.
Yeah, so more actual objects coming soon.
Brian posted at 4:55 PM.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
| | | Why you go to K-Mart | | |
I was walking into K-Mart yesterday and there were three bums outside conversing. One of them said to the other, "You come to K-mart to go to the bathroom. You come to go to the bathroom, for butts and for fifteen cent pops."
So, there you have it. That's why you go to K-Mart.
Just a little Found Conversation.
Brian posted at 4:56 PM.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
| | | Bush and the Devil | | |

friend of mine found this card a while ago and, knowing of my love of found objects, gave it to me. I don't know the origin, but it definitely looks like a grade-schooler authored it and (assumably) he didn't like Bush. The obvious reference to multiple-choice questionnaire I think confirms the theory of a middle-school mentality. I find it interesting that this person actually fears the end of civilation, nay, the world, as a result of the bumblings of Dubya. Our president is a threat equal to natural catastrophes such as a comet (the size of our own planet, no less) or the likes of nukyalur devastation.
Wisdom from the mouths of babes.
Brian posted at 1:58 PM.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
| | | The Black Feather, The Eight of Clubs, The Tiara, The Broken Ruler and The Little Castle | | |
These are the objects I found on Halloween night. The feather came off a girl's costume as she entered the bathroom.
The eight of clubs
literally fell into my hand as I danced on the dancefloor of the Texas Ballroom. I know not from whence it came. Halloween was a surreal, mystifying night, so it really didn't phase me that I found it literally in mid-air.
The broken ruler was merely found on the street.
The tiara I found ascending the steps to the Orange Line in Chicago, while on the way to the Texas Ballroom. Interestingly, I was on my way to see a band called
Princess, so I felt like my found costume was hugely appropriate. When I got there, another duo had decided to dress like Princess as well, only they actually dressed as the members of Princess, which I thought was quite clever.
The thing I've dubbed "the Little Castle" was found some time ago and placed into my wallet. So it's sort of a re-find. I don't know why I call it a little castle other than it reminds me of one.
Brian posted at 7:25 PM.