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Saturday, October 23, 2004

| | | Periwinkle X | | |

I mean...I just - well, I'm speechless. How goddamn awesome is the periwinkle x? It is soft and foamy and has a footprint mark on it. You can't see it in this picture, but I can assure you that it is there. It reminds me of treasure maps, X marks the spot, lavender-colored X-rated movies. I don't remember where I found it, but I did and you can't have it.

Brian posted at 1:08 PM.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

| | | Moth in a Jade Tree | | |

It looked alive, but it was lifeless. Amidst the fauna of a succulent jade tree, it had expired. Its life extinguished. So unlike its normal states of flutter and industry. Cold and still, like a soft, plush child's toy. Beautiful still, and yet distressingly taboo. Death. It is so strangely alien, though it happens every day. It is always mourned and often ignored. And on the other side, the greatest mystery yet.

Brian posted at 1:00 PM.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

| | | Things To Do | | |

How old is this person, do you think? The first on her (and why do I assume it's a her, anyway? I always have, since I first found it, but there's no real indication of that and I've taken it for granted from the beginning...interesting) list is a reference to a "legends" of the 60's music cd comp. Feel free to call the toll-free number and check it out - I haven't but I bet it would be cool. Let's list the list, shall we?

  • cement glue
  • herbal pumpkin
  • all cell detox
  • EB5
  • Dr. Someone
  • make appointment eye dr./ft dr./dentist
  • sunglasses
  • travel deodorant
  • mylanta

I always like to add up the list and see what we can make with just the items. Not really much in this case.

Anyone know what "EB5" is? Or an "herbal pumpkin," for that matter? They're going on a trip. Maybe south america? Or India? Somewhere where they don't trust the water, hence the mylanta. Maybe a longer trip? Even the music could be to keep one entertained on the plane or something.

Let's look at the other side of the paper, shall we?

  • develop film
  • bathing suit to Sam's
  • Submit receipt to ASP/IL(?)SEOPP/COE
  • make a will
  • taxes

"Make a will" was what really made me shiver when I picked up this piece of paper. But the more that I think about it, it seems like this person is getting ready to go on a trip, and they're just taking prudent precautions. Usually one develops film after a trip, but maybe they've just come from a small trip to Peru and decided it's their life's goal to teach english to Peruvians. Or something like that.

Brian posted at 1:55 PM.