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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Brian posted at 11:20 PM.

this is an audio post - click to play

Brian posted at 9:53 PM.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

| | | Les Objets Bleus | | |

This picture was taken quite a while back. All of the objects were found around my neighborhood and all within a relatively short time period.

Blue has been my favorite color for a long time. From the age 19 to 20, I wore only blue outfits and only bought blue clothes. For Christmas, at around the same time, my then-boyfriend got me 23 blue presents, including chocolate-covered blueberries and a blue vase, which I still own and is sitting in a box somewhere, I think.

When I wrote a lot of poetry in college, I used to imagine that I would have a collection that would have been from my "blue period," like Picasso or something. I ended up writing a poem called "Blue Baby," which was good, and another poem just called "Blue," which was mediocre at best.

One day, when I get my act together, Blue Baby will be available in the "writing" section of this website.

Anyway, again, many of these objects were used in the box of the same name on my art page.

Brian posted at 11:13 AM.