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Thursday, July 15, 2004

| | | Never Get Clever | | |

This cocktail Napkin was found by the Tell.Tale.Artist and given to me, because he knows I like found stuff and he is sweet like that. I'm not sure where he found it, but I'm pretty sure he told me. I wanna say it was sitting on the bar at CANS in Wicker Park, where he occasionally works and more frequently patronizes.

On this side we see a pyramid which I'm guessing tries to illustrate an investment strategy. Someone must have told this guy/girl that information is more believable if it's conveyed in a graphical illustration. But I still don't really get it. I really don't understand the title. "Never get clever?"

There was writing on the back, too, but I didn't take a picture of it. You can see some of it in the box I created last night on my art page. It's a diagram of how to save up for retirement, I guess. And it gives a percentage for each type of money-spending practice thusly:

the 60% solution
10%Middle Term
10%??Can't make it out??
60%Living Expenses

Only ten percent for fun? What's wrong with this guy/girl? Screw retirement! More fun today! That's what I say, anyway.

Brian posted at 3:13 PM.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Brian posted at 3:29 PM.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

| | | One Trick Pony | | |

When I was in New York last month, I went to a restaurant/bar called The Park, which gets its name from the word "Park" on the sign from its previous function: a parking garage.

Anyway, on Sundays, the Park is really crowded and gay. I saw this sitting on the bar downstairs. It was the bar with the coolest looking bartender. I asked him if I gave him a dollar, could I have the "One Trick Pony" paper. He agreed, so I gave him the dollar.

I thought it was interesting that first, someone took the time to print out a page that just said "trick," which, in gay culture, refers to someone one sleeps with casually. In a sentence it would something like this: "I saw Jim walking out of some trick's apartment last night." It could also be used as a verb like so: "Whenever I drink too much, I always end up tricking with some ugly troll."

Anyway, someone printed the word on the page, and then someone else (or, I concede, possibly the same person)wrote in the words, "one" and "pony." When I got downstairs to ask for the paper, this particular bar was desolate, as nearly the whole assemblage had moved upstairs, so the few guys around this bar were obviously close friends with the bartender and they were all just sitting around waiting for him to get cut and entertaining themselves.

Yeah, so that's that.

Brian posted at 8:25 PM.