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Friday, June 25, 2004

| | | Farenheit 9/11 | | |

I just got back from seeing Michael Moore's new movie, "Farenheit 9/11." This was a very compelling film. I consider it every American's patriotic duty to see this movie and try will all the will they can muster to fully grasp the ramifications of what our "elected" commander-in-chief has contributed in doing. The "War on Terror" seemed like such rhetoric even as it was shoved down our throats by the media, but this film really made it all the more transparent. If there's anyone here who wants to see this movie, but doesn't have anyone to go with, I volunteer to see it again. PLEASE GO SEE THIS MOVIE. And, perhaps more importantly, get someone who is unsure of how they feel about this country's current administration to go see it.

Brian posted at 3:18 AM.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

| | | The Folding Castle | | |

I'm sure I will eventually find a home for these cute little folding castles. OK, that sounded really gay. But anyway, they're cool. I get to use a found object that intimates at being a castle and they're in perfect condition. I found like two or three of them in the same stash in which I found those useful items I've mentioned as well as the Math Angels from my previous entry. I think they're actually supposed to be greeting cards or something like that. I lent a how-to book on making pop-up books to a friend of mine. Maybe I can use some pop-up design in conjunction with it?

Brian posted at 2:18 PM.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

| | | Math Angels | | |

A few weeks ago I found several useful items by the garbage in my alley and posted the useful items in one post, but I didn't post the "non-useful" items because I thought they were interesting enough to post on their own. This bundle of wire, which is a galvanized steel wire with which I am very familiar because I use it very often in my own artwork, was in exactly this shape when I found it. It's likeness is strikingly similar to John Cassaday's interpretation of "Information Angels" as described by Warren Ellis in their amazing collaborative comic, Planetary. I believe the Angels appear in book number 19. They're not really ''angels" in the religious sense, they're probably just called that because of their wings. They're actually assumed to be aliens. Really, the main authority in the book, Elijah Snow doesn't claim to know what they are, so I guess they could be angels in the religious sense.

This entry marks one of the first that is a real synergy between my different blogs and interests. I was really into issue 19 and already posted my enthusiam on my reading blog. As a found object, with or without ever reading Planetary #19, I am nearly certain I not only would have been moved by finding this object, but I might have even interpreted it as something angelic. I chose to term it a math angel rather than an information angel, mostly because that's probably the universal form of information flow, anyway. Ellis doesn't comment on this, but my guess is if he thought it through, he might agree with me. And finally, I am nearly certain this finding will make it into one of my pieces of artwork. What's cool is it will be an amazingly simple piece to execute because it will be able to stand on its own so easily. Anyway, I just am excited by this convergence of interests and hope that it can happen more in the future. Perhaps, and hopefully without reaching too much, I might even write a song for Farewell Society that talks about the universe being a two-dimensional information string - ah, but I guess I doubt it. I don't think Mike would be too into singing about that stuff...

Brian posted at 11:10 AM.