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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

| | | Striped Reflector Shard | | |

I have quite a few reflector shards in my collection, but none with these cool stripes. As I am getting more interested in using light in my art pieces, reflectors are becoming more useful. The stripes remind me of something living, like a leopard or a zebra. It's the ambiguity of organic and artificial that drew me to this piece. I don't recall now where I found it. I REALLY need to adopt the practice of carrying around specimen bags and wax pens so I can write down exactly where I found the items in the first place. Oh well, it's on the list, I guess...

Brian posted at 11:06 AM.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

| | | Cat Fight at the Mad Hatter Ball on Saturday | | |

this is an audio post - click to play

Brian posted at 11:16 PM.

Friday, May 21, 2004

| | | The Broken Keys | | |

There is something achingly poetic about the image of these two broken keys. They remind me of doomed lovers who were destined to die if they stayed together but chose to anyway. It's an archetypal kind of image. Maybe a little like the lovers from Dante's Inferno?
What were their names? Paolo and Francesca? I forget. It's been ten years since I've read the Inferno. I guess it's almost time to read it again, huh? Anyway, there's lots of symbolic potential with keys and a broken key has even greater potential, in my opinion. Keys are so readily available to me because people so often lose them. I probably have at least 10 different keys in my current collection and none of them look remotely alike, which is cool. These broken keys, though, weren't lost. They must have been discarded. So were they broken because they were going to be discarded, or were they discarded because they were broken? Hmmm....

Brian posted at 3:52 PM.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

| | | Constantines at Empty Bottle | | |

this is an audio post - click to play

Brian posted at 11:43 PM.

| | | El Guapo at Empty Bottle | | |

this is an audio post - click to play

Brian posted at 10:34 PM.

Monday, May 17, 2004

| | | Yesterday in the Alley | | |

I found such cool stuff in my alley yesterday. I found both things of artistic interest and things I can use. This post is just going to be about things I can use because I don't have much to say about them except how useful they are. First is this handy chest of plastic drawers. I couldn't believe someone was throwing it out. Maybe it's just cuz I have a studio and have a particular use (i.e. putting all my art junk in there), but still. It was a little dirty, so I hosed it off and the picture is taken while it was drying.

Then I found this cool World journal. I haven't been travelling as much as I used to, but I think it might be cool to keep a special journal JUST for travelling, that way it's all in one neat place when you're old and thinking about your youth, travelling. I had originally included a link to a mini-movie of me flipping through the book, but it was just too much server space. If anyone knows of any good free storage space or a video hosting service that's free, let me know. Thanks.

Brian posted at 3:34 PM.

Friday, May 14, 2004

| | | The Square Ring | | |

Geometry, industrialism, chain imagery, metallicness all attribute to my liking of this object. Other than that I have to admit, it's pretty boring. As I've been working on more artwork, though, I'm realizing that my collection of found objects is not as substantial as it needs to be if I'm going to be serious about making art out of it. There's a Wicker Park-wide garage sale coming up, I hope to pick up some nice junk either from that directly, or by junking afterward when people throw away things they can't sell.

Brian posted at 12:08 PM.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

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Brian posted at 5:06 PM.

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Brian posted at 4:41 PM.

Monday, May 03, 2004


The pages and the hypodermic needle are from the same location, which was near a dumpster just off 18th and Market. The ribbon was wrapped our napkins at a wedding (the datails of which you can read at my hub).

The hypodermic needle says on the side that it's for insulin only, but being in SF, I sort of imagined it was for heroin, which is very popular there.

One of the pages is in French, Ebauche d'un Serpent by Paul Valery.

Brian posted at 3:55 PM.