| | | Some Band in San Francisco | | |
Brian posted at 1:14 AM.
| | | Who's That Girl? | | |
Brian posted at 10:19 PM.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
| | | The Owl is Cool | | |

I found this little guy in a garbage can on Damen at the end of my block. I put him in my pocket and he stayed there for MONTHS. I would rub him imagining good luck. He is made of this polished plaster that, when you rub it, it feels like it is wet. It's really weird. I often call things that feel this way "sweating" things, eventhough I know they are not really sweating. I'm not stupid, but I like to imagine that they are sweating. Placing this anthropomorphism on the rock or whatever. I used to have a sweating rock that I kept in the pocket of another jacket, which is why I mention the "sweating things." Anyway, Mr. Owl sweats, too (in my head) when I rub him. He is cute. I photographed him on this painted blue canvas which makes him look very dramatic and ominous, I think. But he is really cute and will eventually be a part of my found menagerie. He'll join ranks with a dragonfly, a couple butterflies, a tyrannosaurus rex and others.
Brian posted at 12:02 PM.
| | | CHICO is not the man | | |
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This is a woman on the bus with me on Damen. She was sitting in front of me yelling into her cell phone. She was talking to her mother about someone named "Chico," who apparently had borrowed some money from her. I think Chico is her mom's boyfriend. As usual with posts like these. The funnier dialogue had already happened before I could call my audblog number. Oh well, it's still pretty funny. Or is it?
Brian posted at 6:01 PM.
| | | Sleeping Eric | | |
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At the end of this, if you turn it up, you can hear my friend Eric go "cut it out." He's sleeping and we were trying to wake him up. I wanted him to say "Five more minutes," again, but he didn't.
Brian posted at 3:34 AM.
| | | Life at Sea at Schuba's | | |
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This is a portion of a song performed by Life at Sea at the club Schuba's in Chicago. I enjoyed them quite a bit. Bought their album. I even bought the live performance from that night, of which I was less impressed.
Brian posted at 11:20 PM.
| | | Glove With Triangles | | |

I see gloves on the ground all the time. I'm sure we all do. I actually saw a PAIR of them on the ground on my way to the bus today. I almost never see that.
Anyway, for a long time I've had the idea of putting together called theotherglove.com, which would just be a place to report found gloves. In my imagination, it turns into this huge on-line lost and found. It's totally voluntary, but it's successful, because everyone loses a glove at some point. It starts with this friendly notion of reconnecting people with their lost glove, but eventually, someone will take it to the next level.
Anyway, the reason why I finally picked up this glove is more akin to my usual reasons. That is, color and geometry. It's brightly colored and features triangles. I see a possible hackey sack made from this glove. It would be a perfect hackey sack. Now I just got to figure out what the innards of a hackey sack are. And how to hack (I suck at it, pretty much).
Brian posted at 12:09 PM.