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Thursday, January 08, 2004

| | | The Wheel Cog Thingy | | |

All my life I have had this internal war between perfection and slop. I think I prefer slop. Perfection is so boring, isn't it? I mean, it's clean and sort of seems to have answers in it, but that really seems too easy to me. I guess that's why I'm really attracted to things that are decayed, especially old industrial objects. In this case, I found an object that's not decayed. But it reminded me a bit of this other image I'd seen recently during my search for images for a new tattoo. This image we see here looks a little like a cog, though I'm pretty sure it doesn't function the way a cog might. I mean, it won't fit into some grander scheme of some clockwork device. You can't see, because I still suck at taking these photos, but the inside is grooved so I'm pretty sure it's like a nut. The little notches are there, I think, for gripping, so that someone could tighten/loosen the nut with their bare hands as opposed to a tool.

Anyway, another thing a cog represents to me is being part of something. The cog represents an intrinsic value for something. Without the little piece, the whole would cease functioning. It's sort of an ode to the seemingly insifnificant. It also relates to a short story I'm working on, which is about every soul having a place in the universe (which is a very old idea, I know).

Brian posted at 3:16 PM.