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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

| | | Two sides of a butterfly pendant. | | |

For whatever reason, I now have two butterfly pendants. Little animal type things seem to be lost or discarded by people with astounding frequency. Weird. As my collection grows, I try to think of different applications they might have. One day in the future, I'll probably post a menagerie...

Brian posted at 3:17 PM.

This girl Alli gave me this. Not found. But she was such a great girl.

Alli was one of the actors in the production, Love Pollution: A Techno-POPera, which was written and directed by a friend of mine Allen Conkle. Allen has a vivid way of conveying his world views. Alli has an exuberant way of conveying hers, so she is a great actor for his work. There was a kid there who asked Alli for her autograph and she practically screamed, "HELL YEAH!!!" It was pretty great.

Brian posted at 2:34 PM.