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Tuesday, October 21, 2003

This girl was standing right in front of me, so I thought, "What the hell."

Brian posted at 12:40 PM.

Monday, October 20, 2003

This is my new tattoo. It relates to a previous entry. It is all a part of this amazing and wonderful project called the Skin Project, being put together by writer, Shelley Jackson. She has written a story which is being published only on the skin of participants around the world. It is considered a "mortal story," and, as each participant, or living word, dies, so does the story. Again, I didn't find this word, but it found me, so I think it counts somehow. This is the picture I'll probably be sending Ms. Jackson for her records of proof that the tattoo is completed. I'd be glad to hear from any other words out there, as of now, I don't know any other besides myself.

Brian posted at 6:46 PM.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Here are two signs. I couldn't pick them up (I mean I COULD have, but it would have been ethically problematic), so I just took pictures of where they were. The first sign was found on my friend Joe's street, in Green Point, Brooklyn. Um, he lives on Kent and something. So, just hanging on a tree was this doll holding this sign. Pretty funny. If you knew joe, you'd understand why he needed to be in the picture with it. It's really, you know, him.

The second sign was in the bathroom of the Thai restaurant where we dined that day. I had pad thai. I don't remember what other people had, but everyone liked their food. Joe said he eats there like 3 times a week and I believe him. I like that someone added their own comment to this sign. Proprietary action, maybe.

Brian posted at 6:48 PM.